This supercomputer created by MEC is an artificial intelligence able to make decisions in milliseconds. His job is to control the atmospheric situation all around the globe and elaborate intervention plans in case of crisis. His software was developed by Indian computer technicians. Thanks to the web he can go anywhere there’s a connection and a screen.

This supercomputer created by MEC is an artificial intelligence able to make decisions in milliseconds. His job is to control the atmospheric situation all around the globe and elaborate intervention plans in case of crisis. The software was developed by Indian computer technicians.
Sometimes Tempus has a screensaver because it goes in a standby mode when it’s updating its software, and when studying. Tempus is connected to the network and can learn from it. hanks to the network it can go everywhere: it can go whenever there’s a connection and a screen (his face appears on the screen).

Penguin Peeguu
The mascot of the MeteoHeroes is penguin Peeguu. He was rescued from the South Pole and now lives at the MEC headquarters, helping the MeteHeroes. He is always sweaty due to climate change. He doesn’t speak the human language, therefore Tempus is always his interpreter. Since he can understand the sounds of every animal in the world, he will always be their paladin and mouthpiece.

He is a snow giant that appears when Nix calls him with a yodel sound. He comes from a part of Russia always covered in ice: the island of Novaja Zemlja on the Arctic Ocean.

Margherita Rita
She’s a scientist and the manager of MEC. Controlled and rigorous, she leads the MeteoHeroes in their adventures and in their everyday life, also when they’re studying.
She takes care of a bio vegetable garden over the MEC roof. Her name is inspired by two famous women scientists: Margherita Hack and Rita Levi Montalcini.

She’s the MEC housekeeper, a sort of nanny for the MeteoHeroes. She’s Italian and takes care of the six children, cooking and controlling them in their everyday life in the apartment. Emilia has a passion for Margherita Rita’s bio vegetable garden, where she picks the raw vegetables for her incredible recipes.

Dr. Makina
Dr. Makina is the n°1 villain and the real enemy of the MeteoHeroes! He “plans” every environmental issue from global warming, to pollution and excessive land use. Its name evokes something mechanical and against nature. His body has human features inside a smog cloud with manifold forms.

They are Dr. Makina little helpers and always interfere with the MeteoHeroes missions. They appear when something against the environment takes place. They are made of PM10 particles and affect our health. Thermo is so strongly allergic to them that his nose in their presence turns into a Macu-detector!

Jesse Parks
Jesse is from NewYork. He is the trainer of the six MeteoHeroes and dispenses advice on techniques they can adopt during their missions. He also guides them with advice on life. His name is a tribute to Jesse Owens and Rosa Parks.